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About Me

James Johnson, III for City Council in Wilson

Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand before you as a political candidate dedicated to serving our community. I am James Johnson, III, a dedicated public servant deeply rooted in the vibrant community of Wilson. Raised in this city, my passion for service and commitment to its residents run deep within me.

Family is a cornerstone of my life. I am happily married to Jennifer, who is a compassionate special care nurse for newborn babies. We take great pride in our two adult sons and the values we have instilled in them.

I am a proud graduate of Hunt High School and obtained my Bachelor of Science degree from Atlantic Christian College, now known as Barton College. After completing my education, I had the privilege of working alongside my father in his life and health insurance business as an agent.

Through my active involvement in various community groups, I have established a reputation for hard work and dedication. It is this commitment that led to an invitation to serve on the Wilson City Council, a responsibility I wholeheartedly accepted. Since my election, I have been tirelessly working alongside fellow Wilsonians to enhance our city's quality of life.

One of the areas I hold dear to my heart is youth athletics. We have made significant investments in securing a brighter future for our children. Notably, the Gillette Athletic Complex was expanded with the addition of a Miracle Field. The specially-designed baseball field is equipped to give children with intellectual and/or physical disabilities the recreation opportunities to enjoy the great game of baseball. Additionally, a state-of-the-art pickleball facility is going to be constructed. The success of Gillette extends beyond being a local gem; it also attracts tourists from across the state and country, bolstering our local economy.

Our efforts in the Wilson Corporate Park have yielded positive outcomes. We have successfully attracted world-renowned pharmaceutical companies, creating valuable employment opportunities for our community members. Additionally, other industries within the park are generating much-needed jobs. Furthermore, our investment in Campus 587 is opening doors for further investment and employment growth.

Recognizing the crucial role infrastructure plays in our city's growth, we have taken steps to secure our water supply. We enlarged Buckhorn Reservoir, our largest water source, ensuring our future water needs. Furthermore, we have allocated substantial resources to water treatment and wastewater upgrades. In addition, our investment in the Greenlight broadband system ensures that our citizens have access to essential educational tools. Greenlight also facilitates the efficient sharing of diagnostic data among local medical facilities, benefiting patients by saving time and money. It empowers businesses, both large and small, to compete globally and thrive.

Our downtown area has experienced significant public investment, fostering flourishing public-private partnerships. This growth is set to expand outward, reaching Highway 301 and beyond, thereby creating new opportunities for businesses and residents alike.

I am particularly proud of our micro-transit system, RIDE, which has significantly improved the quality of life for all Wilsonians. This nationally recognized program provides affordable transportation options for medical care, work, and shopping, ensuring that no member of our community is left behind.

The successes I have outlined here represent only a fraction of my active involvement in making Wilson a better place to live, work, and prosper. Countless ongoing projects inspire me, and I am committed to their continued realization in the future. With utmost humility, I humbly request your vote to serve another term, pledging to always act with honesty and give my best efforts on your behalf. Contact me at (252) 230-9281 or through my contact form.

Together, let us forge a brighter future for Wilson.

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